A Sociedade Brasileira para o Estudo da Filosofia Medieval (SBEFM) está lançando chamada para apresentação de comunicações no III Congresso da SBEFM e inscrições na I Escola de Inverno da SBEFM. Os eventos ocorrerão entre os dias 10 e 14 de julho de 2023 no Campus do Vale da UFRGS.
The 2023-2024 Call for Applications is now open for the Small Grants Program at the History of Philosophy Forum at the University of Notre Dame. This program supports international scholars with research projects in the history of philosophy that could benefit from a stay at the University of Notre Dame during the academic year 2023-2024. The grant can only be used for travel and accommodation. Award amounts are in the range of $1,400-$4,000, with 4-5 grants potentially available each year.
The Medieval Academy of America, on behalf of its Committee on Centres and Regional Associations, invites applications for its summer programmes and tuition scholarships. These enable students to participate in summer courses in medieval languages or manuscript studies.
The colloquium aims to explore different conceptual constellations (future contingents, divinely inspired and natural prophecy, divinatory dream, scientific prognostication – esp. in astrology and medicine – and other conjectural disciplines), provide historical reconstructions and doctrinal analyses, and investigate the specific theories and contributions of medieval authors.
O Círculo de Estudios Cusanos de Buenos Aires y Instituto de Filosofía, Universidad de Buenos Aires junto a Società Cusaniana (Torino) y Kueser Akademie für Europäische Geistesgeschichte (Bernkastel-Kues) invita a participar del V Congreso Internacional Cusano de Latinoamérica - De coniecturis. Fuentes, desarrollo y proyecciones del ars coniecturalis a realizarse en Buenos Aires del 08 al 11 de Agosto de 2023.